This is the new release of PlanUp for 2025 - Version 9 now available on
Windows, iPad, iPhone, macOS, Android tablets and phones.
PlanUp v9.4.0.2
v9 Upcoming:
- New: LiDAR Room scanning to draw floor plan (requires iPad or iPhone Pro)
- New: macOS App from App Store
v9.4.0.2 08-03-2025: iOS App Store Version: 3.37 and Windows release
- Fix: Strange instance where plans may have not been the latest version if gone off-line while drawing plan
- Fix: Instance where room in roof view not resetting when un-ticking room-in-roof
- Fix: Floor title is now showing above hidden wall outline from floor below
- New: Working towards releasing new macOS version
- New: Adding JSON format for integration apps as additional way to call PlanUp to eventually replace XML for our EPC Data
- Fix: Crash in rare instance adding door between a normal room and room with non-solid walls
v9.3.9.2 03-03-2025: iOS App Store Version: 3.36 and Windows release
- New: Re-added WMF to get image email... Note this will be superseded by SVG in future releases
- Fix: Tightening up integration, helping with plans overwriting other plan addresses
- Fix: Instance where PlanUp sticks on initialising on launch
- Fix: Default style being overwritten when opening old v8 plans
- Fix: Opening old plans with a set style would sometimes reset that style to Black and White
- Fix: Improved menu spacing on iPhone for symbols, wall options etc
- Fix: EPC Totals view in editor was excluding U/H + Alt Wall from Heat Loss Perimeter length
- Fix: Window areas now properly being removed from alt wall areas - and calcs shown in EPC Totals
- Fix: Heat detector symbol had wrong name of flue
v9.3.8.2 23-02-2025: iOS App Store Version: 3.35 and Windows release
- New: When a customer is chosen, it now shows the name as well as the email: View Screenshot
- New: We can now lock styles for accounts - please contact us if you require this
- New: Auto-room green tick now shows when selecting a door, and the door menu is now out of the way
- New: Added swing in/out option to the door menu
- New: iOS - Made room, wall menus, etc. the same as Windows (not docked to the right side of the screen)
- Fix: Improved wall menu positions getting in the way of the auto-room green tick
- Fix: Windows on angled walls not showing in the EPC Totals dialog in the PlanUp editor
- Fix: Re-sizing the compass was a bit erratic... now fixed
- Fix: Improved handling if you go offline after finishing a plan
- Fix: Check/Edit measurement arrows in rooms moving around on zoom/pan
- Fix: If adding a 'Your ref' when entering an address, it now shows on the plan list and appears when searching for a plan
v9.3.7.2 17-02-2025: iOS (App Store Version: 3.33), macOS 3.33
- Fix: Rare crash and auto-recover not working
- Fix: macOS - Now explains where direct download saves to
- Fix: Issue using on multiple devices - not always using the most up-to-date version of plan
- Fix: 10 and 20 credit packs on iOS App Store
- Fix: Rare assert, deleting a room when wall measurement number pad open in the same room on one of its walls
v9.3.6.2 06-01-2025: iOS (App Store Version: 3.32), macOS 3.32 and Windows release
- Fix: Bugs with additional room title
- Fix: Various HLP fixes inc multiple splits on Extensions and middle sections not resetting other wall sections
- Fix: Up / Down floor buttons on bottom toolbar now easier to hit on touch devices
- Fix: Issue trying to auto-recover a broken plan looping, now deals with properly
- New: Added additional data in XML for doors: Glazing, DraftProofing and Aspect
- New: Added additional data in XML for windows: Glazing, DraftProofing, Insulation and Openings
- New: macOS - Added direct download option for floor plan images
- New: Can now edit Customers (used to save styles for customers)
- New: macOS keyboard shortcuts (D to add a door, D,B double door etc)
v9.3.5.2 30-01-2025: iOS (App Store Version: 3.31) and Windows release
- New: AutoRoom - Quick way to fill in rooms and add new ones
- Fix: Creating plans off-line via Smart Survey/RdSAPGo, if PlanUp
crashed was struggling to recover plan unless on-line
- Fix: Issue where a lodged plan from integration app could overwrite a
direct plan
- Fix: More zoom / panning issues on iPad
- Fix: Improved zoom level after creating first room
- Fix: Now allow special characters on new user sign-ups
- Fix: Naming a room as a Balcony auto sets as excluded and not
habitable for EPC
- New: Adding more support for macOS with Intel processors
v9.3.4.2 27-01-2025: iOS (App Store Version: 3.30) and Windows release
- Fix: CoreLogic SMART Survey integration fix - invalid XML issue
- Fix: Note unconfirmed: Attempt at fixing compatibility issue with iOS
Version through App Store on macOS devices with Intel processors
- Fix: Corrected Door width issue in EPC View, width was including door
frame, but total area was excluding
- Fix: Re-added alt wall area totals in EPC View -> Totals
- Fix: Faint lines on doors, worktops and showers on iPad
- Fix: Dashed lines not showing on velux windows and spacers (for
fridge/freezer etc), or shapes
- Fix: iOS - Adding additional room title to a room
- New: Single and double doors now auto hide frame when close to a wall
v9.3.3.2 23-01-2025: iOS (App Store Version: 3.29) and Windows release
- Fix: Attempt at fixing iOS version from App Store now working on Intel
Processor Macs, not just M1 and M2 Macs
- Fix: Zoom on MacOS with iPad version from App Store now available with
keyboard key CMD + +/-
- Fix: Text on cropping options under Type and Size dialog for image
format corrected
- Fix: iOS zooming sometimes hide all symbols and Description / EPC menu
in bottom right
- Fix: iOS zooming sometimes got in a locked state, only was to clear it
was restarting PlanUp
- Fix: Instance when starting PlanUp is hangs on an 'initialising'
- Fix: More improvements on integration apps and dealing with off-line
- Fix: MacOS - Fixed yellow top toolbars chopped of at top of screen
- New: Re-added entered measurement at the top of the number pad
- Improvement: Increased hit area on 'x' buttons to close dialogs to
make easier to hit
- Improvement: Changed '<' arrow to go back a menu once finished a plan
to '< Back' to make more obvious
- Improvement: After finishing a plan and using right side menu to
choose image format etc,
- tapping outside the get images menu goes back one level
v9.3.2.2 20-01-2025: iOS and Windows release
- Fix: If plans from v8 on iOS device not lodged from Elmhurst RdSAPGo
or CoreLogic SmartSurvey,
v9 wasn't seeing them. Now should be
available to open and lodge from integration apps
- Fix: Instances where default styles couldn't be changed after updating
to v9
v9.3.1.2 17-01-2025: iOS - 1st v9 Full Release, Windows
- Fix: iOS App Store credits - added 10 and 20 packs
v9.3.0.2 17-01-2025: iOS - 1st v9 Full Release, Windows
- New: Further ground work for LiDAR
v9.2.1.2 17-01-2025: iOS - 4th BETA release iOS v9
- New: Groundwork for LiDAR room scanning
- Fix: Links in top yellow banners not working on iOS
- Fix: Improved flow after finishing a plan to make more obvious
navigating menus
- Fix: Elmhurst Upload process
v9.2.0.1 06-12-2024: iOS - 3rd BETA release iOS v9
- Fix: Elmhurst - opening existing plan
- Fix: Assert with broken HLP
- Fix: iOS colour picker for floor, wall custom colours
- Fix: Improvements on database speed
- Fix: iOS colour picker for floor, wall custom colours
- Fix: Drop down menus fixed
v9.1.9.1 27-11-2024: iOS - 2nd BETA release iOS v9
- Fix: Reverted Elmhurst XML to get back working
- Fix: Allow to open normal plan, and have calling app take the plan
v9.1.8.1 19-11-2024: iOS - First BETA release iOS v9
- Fix: Prompt to use a credit again when plan already paid for, and
closing PlanUp and re-opening and editing the plan
- Fix: PDFs are downloading in Portrait when set to Landscape
- New: Integration for RdSAPGo implemented
v9.1.7.1 21-10-2024: Windows and Android (Target Version 48)
- Fix: ASSERT relating to balconies
- Fix: Android - fixed issue on startup maybe in half screen mode
- iOS iPad: Final preparation for v9 release on iPad/iPhone
v9.1.6.1 18-10-2024: Windows and Android
- Fix: Issue with single room auto-recover files not uploading
- New: Improvements to recovering auto-saves
- New: iOS and Android - Added plan request number for Alto, Expert
Agent, AgentPro
and other integrations to Android, and iOS iPad
and iPhone v9, coming soon...
v9.1.5.1 10-10-2024: Windows
- Fix: Some users getting a tech support email message every time run
v9.1.4.1 09-10-2024: Windows
- New: PAYG and Credit pack users - now asks for confirmation to use a
credit on finishing a new plan
- Fix: Instances of some old plans not showing the preview in PlanVault
- Fix: If cannot locate customers logo now will show preview of plan
without logo rather than crashing
- Fix: Improved and fixed instances where user gets PlanUp Technical
Support emails
v9.1.3.1 07-10-2024: Windows
- New: PAYG and Credit pack users - now asks for confirmation to use a
credit on finishing a new plan
- New: Get images emails moved to SendGrid to improve reliability
- Fix: PlanVault previews not showing on some plans... generally when
the plan chosen was over 5 years old
- Fix: Assert when changing split walls in EPC extensions to Party wall
- Fix: EPC Image wasn't working when marketing plan format set to PDF
- Fix: Assert when navigating through different dialogs whilst waiting
for 3D to render
- Fix: Possible issues that would have crashed 2D render engine
- Fix: PlanList showing source of plan (Smart Survey, RdSAPGo etc)
v9.1.2.1 12-09-2024: Windows
- Updated APIs in background
- Second slow roll-out release using new API calls
- Fixes to Image Render
- Fix: Logo's on old image request calls
v9.1.1.1 24-08-2024: Windows BETA
- Updated APIs in background
v9.1.0.1 22-05-2024: 11th Windows and Android release, Version 44 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Increased plan upload time to 15 seconds (to help with slow
- Improvement: Various things improved to help with slow saving and
uploading a plan when doing a finish
- Background: Ongoing work for integration with Elmhurst and ECMK
- Background: Continued work on v9 iPad version
v9.0.9.1 30-04-2024: 10th Windows and Android release, Version 43 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Android - added multi line text boxes for notes, descriptions etc
- Fix: HLP Totals corrected in Main, Ext and Totals view at bottom of
editor (note calculations sent to Elmhurst and ECMK unaffected)
- Fix: Another fix to help prevent duplicate plans
- New: Finished new integration method in preparation for new style
integration with third party apps (Elmhurst RdSAPGo, ECMK Smart Survey
- Fix: GSHP EPC symbol now allowed to be added on external wall
- Fix: EPC dialog for Main totals (made wider to fit text in)
v9.0.8.1 11-04-2024: 9th Windows and Android release, Version 42 in
Android Studio
- Fix: More improvements on stopping duplicate plans - specifically on
- Fix: Copy plan broken in last release, now corrected
- Fix: EPC: HLP totals correction when drawing a plan, using the main
and totals in EPC View
v9.0.7.1 11-04-2024: 8th Windows and Android release, Version 41 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Bow windows looking odd in EPC view
- Fix: Attempting to sort duplicate plan issues
- Fix: Dropdown dialogs on Android (style, customer etc)
v9.0.6.1 25-03-2024: 7th Windows and Android release, Version 30 in
Android Studio
- Fix: HLP walls resetting when entering measurements into walls
- Fix: Fireplaces not saving type
- Fix: Rare ASSERT on Finish (room with invalid walls)
- Fix: Some occasions where plans drawn in older versions with EPC
settings - some settings did not convert correctly into latest v9
- Fix: Rare EPC issue where you would get solid red triangles generally
in the top room of plan in EPC View
- Fix: Photoplans in v9 and emails not working
v9.0.5.1 04-03-2024: 6th Windows and Android release, Version 29 in
Android Studio
- Fix: HLP walls lost or not showing in some situations (only applying
to some older versions of plans)
v9.0.4.1 04-03-2024: 5th Windows v9 and Android release, Version 28 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Occasions where PlanUp asserts when switching to EPC View
- - Also created problems retrieving EPC XML and images
- Fix: Issue opening plans on iPad v8 when created or opened in v9
v9.0.3.1 02-03-2024: 4th Windows and Android release, Version 27 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Correcting 3D plans returning blank images
v9.0.2.1 01-03-2024: 3rd Windows and Android release, Version 26 in
Android Studio
- New: Retrofit - added window, door and radiator width, height and area
values on EPC floor plan image
- New: Doors now show on final EPC image
- Fix: Changed 'Sent to agent' and image download links to https:// from
- Fix: Major fixes on EPC heat loss perimeter:
- - Now works with multiple detached rooms on same floor
- - Internal courtyards or empty spaces now work
- - Various fixes on instances where HLP went wrong
- Fix: Increased size and hit area on the close dialog cross in various
dialogs (room EPC settings, EPC totals etc)
- Fix: Velux windows affecting HLP total
- New: Preparation for integration with ECMK and Elmhurst
- Fix: 3D plans returning blank images
- Fix: Increased hit area on close dialog button (cross icon)
specifically for Android
v9.0.1.1 20-12-2023: 2nd Windows and Android release, Version 25 in
Android Studio
- Fix: Assert on Android hitting Change flooring on 3D
- Fix: Wall by wall - complete room tick not working after a pan or zoom
v9.0.0.1 12-2023: 1st Windows and Android full release, Version 24 in
Android Studio
v8.7.7.1 13-12-2023: 6th Windows Beta, Version 23 in Android Studio and
website deployment
- Fix: Can now remove watermark with iPad / Android credits on Windows
- Fix: Room name dialog uses the small version on screens with
resolution: 1366 x 768
- Fix: Tidied up transfer plan, password reset and account verification
websites (web only)
- New: Android - can now purchase credit packs via Google Pay
- New: Added ability from Android Play Store to request all user data to
be deleted
- New: Improved look of finish room green tick when using wall-by-wall
v8.7.6.1 04-11-2023: 5th Windows Beta, Version 22 in Android Studio and
website deployment
- Fix: All text box size limits increased (for email address on login,
room and floor names etc)
- Fix: Cleaned up get images email
- Fix: Improved look of colour codes on custom colours for final images
- Fix: Outside descriptions not showing in 'View in browser' option on
- Fix: Description boxes look incorrect after re-sizing the PlanUp
- Fix: Cupboards showing a single door underneath a double door cupboard
- Fix: Instances of plans set to customers not properly converting into
v8.7.5.1 20-10-2023: 4th Windows Beta
- Fix: Line tool with measurement - fixed hit area
- Fix: Direct Debit sign up improvements
- Fix: Improved importing styles and plans from v8 to v9, inc previews
not updating until edit plan
- Fix: Instance of images being sent to incorrect email address
- Fix: Issue with sending emails (couldn't find email template)
v8.7.4.1 12-10-2023: 3rd Windows Beta and website deployment
- Fix: 3D Direct download when full address used
- New: Address across top part of screen when finishing plan - now
clickable to copy to clipboard
- Fix: Re-added Company name for sending to customers
- Fix: Compass being applied to next new plan if added to current plan
v8.7.3.1 04-10-2023: 2nd Windows Beta
- New: iOS v7 can now open v8 plans, but removes HLP settings and some
radiator settings
- New: Windows only - tooltips added to show keyboard shortcuts on top
toolbar symbols
- Fix: 3D - edit 3d stairwell wasn't being saved and applying to 3D plan
- Fix: Changing filename when direct saving 2D images would then save
image without filename extension
- New: Added custom colours to Patchwork and By Room Type colour schemes
- Fix: Mix/Max descriptions on measurement arrows
v8.7.2.1 25-09-2023: 1st Windows Beta
- Fix: App must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher
- New: Added RGB Hex codes to custom colours
v8.7.1.1 20-08-2023: 18th BETA, 13th via Play Store (Version 18 in
Android Studio)
- New: Added PlanVault
- Fix: Duplicate Item ID in XML
- Fix: re-added font options
- New: Implemented 3D for v9
- New: Re-implemented shadows and wall fill colours
v8.6.1.1 05-07-2023: 17th BETA, 12th via Play Store (Version 15 in
Android Studio)
- Fix: Issue with noteboxes when changing rooms
- Fix: Odd plans going corrupt
- Fix: Some crashes on Android
v8.4.1.1 04-07-2023: 16th BETA, 11th via Play Store (Version 14 in
Android Studio)
- Fix: Temp rollback whilst fixing note box issue
v8.5.1.1 03-07-2023: 15th BETA, 10th via Play Store (Version 13 in
Android Studio)
- New: Changed save format to JSON
- Fix: Preparing 3D for release
- Fix: Identified issue with note boxes, crash when end up in a
different room to originally added
v8.4.1.1 14th BETA, 9th via Play Store (Version 12 in AS)
- Fix: Plan search on Android
- Fix: Description dialogs go out of line after the PlanUp window is
- Fix: Duplicate plans being created every time save button pressed,
after copying a plan
- Fix: If PlanUp crashes, then on running again and auto-recovers floor
plan, now remembers account logged into, rather than making you login
- Fix: EPC XML - corrected split EPC walls
- Fix: When drawing a plan and it crashes, when running PlanUp again and
it can't load the auto-save, it now saves as backup, instead of
crashing every-time running PlanUp
- New: Android App now basically fully working
- New: Planlist now shows if a plan is linked to another app
- New: 3D plans now available
- New: Improved auto-save process
- New: Moved to x64
- New: If using more than one account with PlanUp, added quick way to
switch between accounts
v8.3.1.1 13-04-2023: 11th BETA, 8th via Play Store (Version 9 in AS)
- Fix: Issue in EPC View upstairs selecting rooms downstairs
- Fix: HLP on same external room wall downstairs and upstairs - issue
where they were using same settings
- Fix: Delete floor wrongly showing on start screen
- EPC: Re-implemented tapping on a rooms in EPC view to bring up EPC
- EPC: Hitting Main and selecting to view the totals shows 'Alternative'
dialog instead of 'Main' totals Corrected
v8.3.0.1 11-04-2023: 10th BETA, 7th via Play Store (Version 8 in AS)
- EPC: Moved construction and insulation to move obvious place in EPC
View under room menu
- Wall-by-wall - improved way to complete rooms
- Login: Added quick way to switch accounts
- Plan list: improved inc highlighting plans opened in current session
- Android: Improvements to screen accuracy
- Added new ways plans can be recovered
- Fixed many instances of asserts when drawing a plan
- Improved handling of calls
- Fixed crash when using x and other special characters in note box
- Added German language
v8.2.4.1 21-06-2022 9th BETA, 6th via Play Store (Version 6 in AS)
- Fix: Issue where loading a plan would give you an ground floor with no
- - If saved again before plan fully loaded, would overwrite plan with
empty floor
- Fix: Numerous improvements on reliability integrating with Field
06-06-2022: Websites deployed
- New: Facebook Pixel code applied for tracking of adverts
- eTech: All plans now marked as paid for in line with new charging
v8.2.3.1 29-05-2022 - (8th BETA, 5th via Play Store (Version 5 in AS)
- Fix: Stopped users having to login after each new or edit call from
Field Services
- Many improvements on reliability of integration with external apps
v8.2.2.1 09-05-2022 - (7th BETA, 4th via Play Store (Version 4 in AS)
- (Websites live 09-05-2022)
- Fix: Text boxes on Android now working (inc descriptions etc)
- Fix: Stopped instances where plans we're updating wrong records
creating duplicates
- Fix: Room and items descriptions - hit areas lower than text meaning
hitting them was awkward
- Fix: If starting standalone plan on Android, now lets you enter
address and finish plan
- Fix: Instances where items, rooms and walls potentially could end up
with already used ID's in XML
- New: Added Column Radiator as a new symbol, with column count (2-7)
- New: Added option on Heated Towel Rail for White or Other, default
Other which refers to the finish
- Fix: Another instance of creating duplicate plans - this is after a
crash when the plan had been previously saved online
- Fix: Corrected dialog in Room Creator - looked odd on Android
- Fix: Corrected rounding of dialog buttons on Android
- Fix: Help button on bottom toolbar now working
- Fix: EPC heat loss walls losing settings if excluded room on same
- Fix: Intent calls for Android 12
- Fix: Good number of EPC setting issues
v8.2.1.1 2022-14-02 - (6th BETA, 3rd via Play Store, 1st Windows)
- New: Include wall index on ITEM tags
- Fix: Bottom toolbar - fixed instances where it goes missing stopping
you finishing / cancelling plans
- Fix: Instances where heat loss type was not saving through to XML
- Fix: Updated Habitable / Heated option for EPC - now clearer
- Fix: Instances where Quick Room and Wall by Wall buttons not available
after adding symbol
v8.2.0.1 2022-02-02 - (5th BETA, 2nd via Play Store)
- New: Updated Floor name dialog
- New: Door frames - this setting is now saved and will apply to any
future doors added
- New: Door added to cupboards will by default hide the door frames
- New: Added more sensible max sizes of items to stop accidental sizes
entered (most items 10m)
- Fix: Login dialog - password field now doesn't show password when
typing in
- New: Starting new plan outside of app will now let you finish the plan
- New: If PlanUp is offline and gets a new / edit plan call from
external app, PlanUp now rejects call and quits
- Huge improvements on reliability, including auto-recover in event of a
- PlanUp now saves plans offline until it next connects to internet
v8.1.9.1 2021-12-15 - Android fourth beta (Google Play Store 1st release
as a pre-release)
- New: Temp disabled editing descriptions (until re-implemented on
- New: Added new radiator types
- New: Added all items to XML
- New: Added underlying room name for XML (that doesn't change on
entering manual room name)
v8.1.8.1 - Android third beta - 01/12/2021
- Fix: Creating new plan, fixed the odd black square that appears when
on opening screen in PlanUp
- Fix: Creating account - text boxes fixed
- New: Added wall ID to items in XML
- New: Added rooms above percentages
- New: All doors now have width and depth options, which follow through
to XML
- New: Skylights now have width and depth in XML
- Improvements: Now much better at handling auto-recover after crashes,
and calls at unexpected instances
v8.1.7.1 - Android Second beta
- Fix: Can now edit existing plans
- Fix: Improved handling of login, and staying logged in
- Fix: Improved auto-recovery of plans that crash while being drawn
- Fix: Improved handling when an plan is Finished
v8.1.6.1 - Android First beta
- New: Android first BETA release
- New: Updated image emails to now all use https rather than http
v8.1.5.1 (v3.18) iPhone BETA Release
- New: iPhone BETA first release
- Changed: Moved Bath symbols on top toolbar into Shower submenu
- Changed: Moved Worktop symbols on top toolbar into Sink submenu
- Changed: Keyboard shortcuts changed on baths and showers as a result
of moving menu
v8.1.3.1 (v3.14) - iOS Hotfix - 08/06/2021
Fix: Issue with offline iPads not switching to offline mode properly,
stopping you open existing offline plans
28-05-2021 - v8.1.2.1
- Fix: Altered data format for text boxes, to allow future work
- Fix: Fixed note edit box on iPad which now shows keyboard and dialog
box correctly
- New: Added semi-transparent option on note box
12-05-2021 - v8.1.1.1
- Fix: Altered data format for text boxes, to allow future work
- New: Added text box, with colour choices and arrow. This lets you add
a text box anywhere on the plan
- New: Radiator widths: Can now enter a width and it will auto size to
that width
- New: Window widths: Can now enter a width and it will auto size to
that width
- New: Added compass to EPC plans
- Fix: Setting Width and Height options on symbols doesn't close the
- New: Added Ground and Air source heat pump symbols (EPC plans only)
- Fix: Changed Walk in wardrobe to Walk-in Wardrobe to show on two lines
rather than three
- New: Added line / arrow symbol, with arrow head options and colour
- New: Split out Fire symbols to its own menu
- New: Split out shapes to its own menu
- New: Moved boiler and cylinder to radiator menu
19-11-2020 - v8.0.8.1 - Bug fixes
- New: Added access to autosave backups - to help in cases when plan
lost via eTech or Elmhurst
- Fix: iOS: When in dark mode, text fields were not showing text
- Fix: Undo was not recording room in rooms
- Fix: Various improvements to curved walls
01-08-2020 - v8.0.7.1 - iOS Only
- Fix: iOS App Store purchases
20-07-2020 - v8.0.6.1 - Bug fixes
- Mac: Updated Mac OSX version to be back in line with Windows and iPad
version (v8)
- Mac: Fixed keyboard shortcut for Undo
- Fix: Instances of room in room not working
- EPC: Bi-fold doors no longer have an opening set as default 1, changed
to 0
- EPC: Windows, if double glazing or higher set, draft proofing auto
sets to yes
- Fix: Various improvements on how QuickDraw handles angled wall
- Improvement: PlanUp will now highlight potential issues which may
cause issues in drawing further rooms
- Fix: Various crashes fixes
19-11-2019 - v8.0.5.1 - Bug fixes
- Fix: Rare case of room name positions resetting after undo
- Fix: Properties that crashed and would not recover from auto-recover
- New: Can now enter measurements on internal walls
- Fix: Description dialogs now returning to the correct place after
going into sub menus, before were going back to window descriptions
- Fix: Pan and zoom jumping to different area of floor plan after doing
an undo
- Fix: Instances where window focus was focusing and zooming into a room
when selected
- Fix: Various instances where QuickDraw and Wall-by-Wall buttons not
showing, mainly when upstairs
- New: When dragging walls upstairs, we now show in faint green the
walls below, to be used as a guide
25-09-2019 - v8.0.2.1 - Bug fixes
- Fix: Some instances where symbols were being deleted when walls being
- Fix: Symbols being deleted on wall moves
- Fix: Various crashes when using Wall-by-Wall and dragging walls
- Fix: Improved green lines when snapped to other walls
- New: Added yellow outline to the currently selected room to make more
- New: Added very small timed delay when dragging walls and corners to
help stop unintentional moves on iPad
- Fix: Added wall measurements showing on every wall, all of the time
- Fix: Measurements on angled walls now updating when dragging an angled
- New: Added start Wall-by-Wall underneath QuickDraw
- New: Added 'Triple' to door glazing descriptions
- Fix: Increased hit area on iPad when dragging walls
- Fix: Made the wall splitter more obvious when added to a wall
05-09-2019 - v8.0.1.1 - Bug fixes
- Fix: Some instances where symbols were being deleted when walls being
- New: Removed message discontinuing Room Creator, as this is now no
longer being discontinued
- Fix: eTech and Elmhurst integration issues
01-09-2019 - New in v8.0.0.1 - PlanUp QuickDraw
- Fix: Instances where symbols were delete on wall move
- Fix: Removed internal wall snapping when dragging walls upstairs
- Fix: Instances where wrong side of wall moved when dragging split wall
- Fix: Multiple crashes fixed
- New: Much improved wall snapping when using QuickDraw and dragging
- New: Angled walls now showing the actual angle, and snap properly with
each other
- New: Much improved angled wall snapping and now snaps to 45 degrees
- New: Angled corner snapping - drawing conservatories now much easier
- New: In QuickDraw mode, hold 'Shift' when mouse over a wall to get a
quick room
- Wall thickness: Some sections removed - to be re-done in a better way
in the future
- Edit curves removed as rarely used, will re-add but in a more usable
way in future release
- New: QuickDraw - a new way of drawing rooms. Click and drag to add
rooms with auto fill into complicated angled walls
- New: Can now draw rooms within rooms
- New: Hugely improved wall dragging and snapping
- New: Removed external room option from top toolbar as no longer needed
- New: Moved splitter, angled wall and curved wall buttons from top
toolbar, added to wall menus instead